About Us

TMCB was started by two friends who share a passion for tabletop gaming, miniature painting and in particular building terrain.

We believe that great terrain is essential to creating an immersive gaming experience. We love creating our own epic games and we want to help others create theirs.



Quick Bio

I’ve been gaming and painting with miniatures on and off since I was about 11.

Favourite thing about building terrain:

Finding new materials to use, and experimenting with new techniques.

First Miniatures:

5 Khorne Berserkers AND Abaddon the despoiler back in 2nd Edition.

Favourite gaming world:

Forgotten Realms 

Favourite army:

40k Chaos – Khorne flavoured of course

Favourite board game:



Quick Bio:

Like Jon, I’ve been gaming and painting miniatures on and off since I was young, think I was 9.

Favourite thing about building terrain:

Creating worlds, love the whole immersive nature of gaming on its own, add terrain to it and you can really get lost in it. By building it, you get to direct that world, direct where you get lost.

First Miniatures:

I’d have to say it was Eldar, probably Fire Dragons and some of the really old guardians

Favourite gaming world:

I’d have to say 40k, but I’ve got a real soft spot for Necromunda and D & D is quickly catching up.

Favourite army:

Always going to be Eldar, Craftworld (or Aeldari as they’re now called)

Favourite board game:

Got to be Heroquest, but Space Crusade and Talisman are very close runners. 

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